Mar 4, 2010

Health Hazards

Exposure to the many chemicals in our food, water and environment burdens the body and contributes to many health problems. Most people are unaware that the final resting place for most environmental contaminants is not the soil, water or food we eat, but the fatty tissues of living organisms - inculding the human body. The elimination of environmental pollution and toxic substances that are weakening our immune systems has become crucial for the restoration of health. In "Our Stolen Future", biologists and zoologists in many countries detail the evidence that toxic chemicals are not only causing cancer, but also mass infertality and physical and behavioural abnormalities.

Avoiding as many toxins and unnatural chemicals as possible will protect your immume system, relieve your liver of the effort of processing chemicals, prevent the storage of neurotoxins in organs such as the brain and prevent PCBs disrupting your hormones.

Tips on what toxins to avoid:
1. Mouth
Avoid metals and root fillings. Contact an experienced dentist in amalgam removal, ensure the dentist uses a rubber dam for amalgam removal and take nutritional supplements prior to and after amalgam removal.
Contacts: Dentists who practise metal free dentistry - Dr E Davis (07 3284 5775) in Brisbane, Qld; Dr R Bell (07 5491 1111) in Caloundra,Qld.

2. Body
The skin is highly absorbent so do not put anything on your skin that you would not want inside your body. Synthentic fragrances and toxic preservatives are the two leading causes of allergy and sensitivity in all cosmetics, yet they are in most major hair and skin care brands.
Only use soap, shampoo, perfume, lotions or cosmetics which are derived from totally natural sources and which are free from metals, PCBs, isopropyl alcohol, ammonia, glycols, phenol and colours. Avoid perfumes - use pure essential oils diluted with a carrier oil.

Give up smoking. Don't live with a smoker. Cigarette smoke contains over 200 chemical compounds, 50 of which are known carcinogens, including pesticides and herbicides, radio active compounds like plutomium and also cyanide. Smoking and recreational drugs deplete B-vitamins and some minerals.

3. Food
At the 1997 World Cancer Congress, Professor Weissman said today's degenerative diseases such as cancer and heart disease are mainly due to extensive use of synthetic chemicals in our diet: preservatives, pesticides, weedicide and synthetic fertilisers.

If you eat meat, buy only organic or biodynamic meat and chicken. Ask your butcher to stock it. Cook meat well. Eat only organic or biodynamic fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. They are high in vitamins and minerals as well as being free from toxic chemicals.

Public speaker, author and ambassador for the next generation, Keeta Gibson publishes the popular e-newsletter from Non Toxic Life, your online eco-store for pure, natural everyday items and earthwise goods. Get your FREE tips on health, wellbeing and everything environmentally friendly now at

Jan 24, 2010

Terrific Tips on Keeping those New Year’s Resolution Healthy Diet and Fitness Goals

Having trouble keeping those New Year’s resolutions to eat a healthy diet and get fit? You’re not alone.

Many people make New Year’s resolutions to eat a healthy diet and improve their fitness but start to waver a few weeks after New Year’s. Even though it’s easy to resolve to get fit and healthy, it’s hard to stay committed to keeping those New Year’s resolutions to start eating a healthy diet and to get fit.

There are some easy ways to stay on track and meet your goals of eating healthier and staying or getting fit.

Get the Family Involved
It sounds simple, but it can be difficult to get the whole household on board with your plans to eat healthier food and get fit. It’s a lot easier to eat healthy meals when everyone in the family is eating the same healthy meals. If you are the only one in the house trying to eat more healthy foods and you’re still preparing meals filled with fried or high fat food for everyone else you’ll be tempted to eat what they’re eating. The same thing goes for snacks. Eating a healthy snack of fruit or vegetables looks less appealing when everyone else is eating chips or pizza. Getting in the habit of exercising regularly will be easier if someone else in the family is exercising with you. Try taking a walk around the neighborhood as a family or take your partner running with you. Exercising is more fun when it’s not done alone. Many gyms and fitness centers offer special rates for families, so make time during the week for the whole family to hit the gym and take a yoga class, go swimming, play basketball, or just workout with weights. Joining a gym will make sure that there is an activity that everyone in the family will enjoy. Having family support is the best way to keep those New Year’s resolutions to eat healthy and get fit.

Use the Calendar
It may sound like a wacky idea, but a great way to stay on track to meeting your New Year’s resolutions to eat better and get fit is to get a large wall calendar, the type that shows the whole month or the whole year at one time. Take a red or yellow marker and put a big “X” on the calendar everyday that you exercise, and use a different colored market to put an “X” on each day that you eat healthy. After awhile, when your motivation starts to wane, looking at the calendar and the chain of X’s will motivate you to exercise and eat healthy in order to keep the chain going. The calendar can also help keep other family members motivated to eat better and exercise as well.

Reward Yourself
To help keep your motivation high to meet your New Year’s resolutions of eating healthy and getting fit reward yourself when you meet particular goals. In the beginning, make a list of diet and fitness goals you want to achieve. When you achieve them, reward yourself with a non food item like flowers, a new plant, new clothes, a new workout DVD, a gym membership, or some other fun item that will help keep you motivated to keep going. A great reward can be treating yourself to an introductory class in something that might become a new hobby for you. When you lose five pounds, try taking a ceramics class, a horseback riding lesson, or a belly dancing class. When you eat healthy for an entire month with no slip ups, take a healthy cooking class or a class on organic gardening.

Public speaker, author and ambassador for the next generation, Keeta Gibson publishes the popular e-newsletter from Non Toxic Life, your online eco-store for pure, natural everyday items and earthwise goods. Get your FREE tips on health, wellbeing and everything environmentally friendly now at