Jul 31, 2009

Six Savvy Secrets to Staying Stimulated in your Plan for Fitness

Having trouble staying stimulated to get fit? Follow these six savvy secrets to staying stimulated in your plan for fitness. These secrets are used by people all over the world to stay focused and motivated to eat healthy, exercise, get healthy and fit.

Think Small
Instead of eating three large meals a day, eat five or six small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism working around the clock. Remember that your stomach is only about the size of your fist, so eat small portions frequently rather than three large meals during the day. Protein shakes, granola bars, yoghurt and salads are great foods for quick small meals.

Not sure how to control portion size? Choose pre-portioned meals to make sure that the portion sizes are correct and the calorie count is low. Eating five or six small meals instead of three large meals has been proven to help weight loss and will keep your energy high throughout the day.

Stay Hydrated
Drinking water is a major factor in staying fit and losing weight. Studies have shown that most people don’t drink nearly enough water during the day. Replace high calorie soft drinks and energy drinks with plain or sugar free flavored water to help keep your mind sharp and your body energized throughout the day. Drink at least two glasses of water an hour or so before you workout and make sure you stay hydrated during and after your workout. Your body needs lots of water to function efficiently.

Take a Walk
Can’t get to the gym? Too tired after work for an extreme workout? Don’t skip the exercise, just tone it down. Taking a 30 minute walk is a quick, easy way to get in some activity when a hard core workout just isn’t going to happen. Park the car as far away from the office door or the grocery store as possible, or take a walk around the block, just get moving. Any exercise is better than no exercise, and even a short walk can make you feel better so that you don’t reach for a high fat coffee drink or doughnut to energize you to keep working.

Bike to Work
Tired of sitting in traffic commuting to the office everyday? Can’t find the time to exercise each day? Buy a high quality bike and start biking to work. Keep some work appropriate clothes at the office along with a small toiletry kit, or pack a suit in a backpack and get your exercise biking to work. You will feel better, you will be more energized during the day, and you spend all that time sitting in traffic jams everyday. Biking to work is a great way to get daily exercise even when you’re busy, and it helps the environment too.

Get a Dog
Need motivation to go out walking or running instead of sitting in the house? Get a dog. Dogs are fantastic companions, and having to take the dog out will force you off the couch and out of the house. Taking the dog to the dog park on weekends will be a great way to meet new people and be active.

Take the Stairs
When you’re really crunched for time and you don’t even have time to squeeze in a walk, take the stairs. Use a restroom on a different floor or head outside for some fresh air during the day to give yourself a reason to walk up and down the stairs. A few trips up and down the stairs at the office each day will help you stay active and motivated.

If you know someone who could be interested in this information, you have my permission to pass it on. This article was prepared by Keeta Gibson, public speaker, author and Carbon Reduction Coach from Non Toxic Life, your online eco-store for biodegradable, compostable and earthwise goods.

Jul 29, 2009

Swine Flu Fact Sheet - A Must Read For Everyone

Swine Flu -
Why the media needs to ask more questions
Sunday, July 26th, 2009 - For Immediate Release:

Swine Flu Fact Sheet:
The only way to conquer fear is with information

Governments around the world are scrambling to find a solution to the potential problems that may be caused by the current H1N1 'swine flu' pandemic. From its origins in Mexico in April of this year, the panic caused by this virus - a hybrid of viral DNA from pigs, birds and humans - has grown to the point where logic and science have been forgotten in a mad race to do 'something' about this situation.

There is an adage that states, those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. In an effort to keep us from making the same mistakes we have in the past - mistakes which have been extremely costly in terms of financial burden and lives lost or health damaged - the Australian Vaccination Network has tried to gather together information to help you to ask the questions you need to find answers to and the knowledge necessary to make intelligent decisions about the swine flu vaccine. It is also an excellent idea to download the flyer from Pandemic Flu online. This web site is a great resource of constantly updated information on this topic.

Between 1918 and 1920, immediately after World War I, it is estimated that as many as 50 million people around the world may have died from Swine Flu. Most of those whose deaths were attributed to influenza - 95% and more - did not die from the flu but were victims of bacterial pneumonia - an easily treatable illness for which antibiotics are very effective.(1) Had this outbreak occurred today rather than almost 100 years ago, the mortality and morbidity statistics would have been very different.

In addition, the strain of flu which was in circulation at that time was completely different to the strain we are seeing now.

In 1976, a soldier at Fort Dix NJ (USA), Private Lewis, left his sick bed to go on a forced march - and collapsed and died from what was diagnosed at the time as swine flu. Initially, it was thought that up to 500 other soldiers at Fort Dix had also contracted the disease. That figure was revised down to 4 confirmed cases with no other deaths. In fact, there were no other cases reported anywhere else in the world.(2)

Only one person died of swine flu in 1976, but more than 4,000 were seriously injured by the vaccine with 25 confirmed deaths. That vaccine, like the current shot, was rushed through without proper testing. The result was more than $3.5 billion in compensation claims in the US - and this is for a vaccination campaign which was cut short only 10 weeks after it started which was meant to protect against an outbreak which never occurred. The only outcome to this vaccination campaign was a large number of permanently injured citizens and an enduring distrust of influenza vaccinations.(3,4)

The story today
Prior to April of this year, nobody had heard of the H1N1 swine flu. Having gone through several scares over the past decade with other influenza viruses which were claimed to have the potential to kill or seriously injure millions around the world (SARS and Avian Influenza), the world's populations could have been excused for greeting this new outbreak with more then a touch of scepticism.

In fact, if there is a pandemic of this virus, it is very possible - some think even likely - that it is a man-made pandemic. Australian researcher, Adrian Gibbs, one of the researchers who created the influenza drug, Tamiflu, has stated that his investigations have indicated that this is a laboratory-created virus which has escaped into the population.(5) This hypothesis is of interest since the initial outbreak in Mexico City started in close proximity to Baxter Labs' vaccine facility.(6)

Baxter is now infamous for shipping batches of human influenza vaccines which had been contaminated with live Avian influenza (bird flu) virus to 18 European countries.(7) It was only due to the excellent due diligence of a lab in the Czech republic that this contamination was discovered prior to the vaccine being administered to millions of people. Had that occurred, we might now be looking at a pandemic of bird flu rather than swine flu.

How many cases - how many deaths?

Despite a very low mortality rate (to date, there have been less than 500 confirmed H1N1 deaths worldwide compared with between 500,000 to 1,000,000 deaths each year (8) which human influenza is credited with causing) and evidence suggesting that H1N1 causes very mild illness, the World Health Organisation raised the pandemic risk level to its highest possible point - level 6 - and governments around the world are pledging tens of billions of dollars to rush through an untested vaccine.

The tests being used to diagnose H1N1 are giving far too many false positive results (9) and what's worse, doctors are not submitting samples to laboratories for testing. Anyone with flu-like symptoms is now assumed to have H1N1 swine flu - a decision which has increased the number of cases exponentially.(10,11)

Swine flu vaccination - a shot in the dark
Influenza vaccines are among the most ineffective shots in the vaccine armoury. In healthy adults, the estimates of effectiveness range from a low of 0% to a high of 96% - depending on the study. In the elderly and immune-suppressed, the figures seem to hover at between 21 and 25% effective. In addition, some influenza vaccines still contain mercury in the form of thiomersal while the new swine flu vaccines are being made with novel, oil-based adjuvants which have been linked in the past with severe long-term neurological and other adverse health effects.

These vaccines are not being properly tested and in fact, the vaccine manufacturers have been indemnified against litigation so even if you or your child has a bad reaction, the company that made and profited from the shots will not be held responsibly - morally, ethically or financially.(12)

Despite the lack of information about these vaccine's safety or effectiveness, it is planned that every man, woman and child will be vaccinated - both here in Australia and overseas. In fact, the first targets for these needles will be pregnant women and children.

This vaccine - like all vaccines - has never been evaluated for its effect on developing foetuses. In addition, if we follow the lead of the United States, when this vaccine is administered to children, it will mean 4 additional shots in one year for kids - 2 of the human influenza vaccine - 2 of the swine flu. Our children will now be facing in excess of 60 vaccines before they reach school age if 4 annual flu shots are added to the childhood vaccination schedule.

Will it be compulsory?
On July 14th, the Rudd Government ordered 21 million doses of the totally untested swine flu vaccine - enough for everyone currently living in Australia.(13) It is the contention of the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) that the only reason they would buy this many vaccines is because it is their intention for all of them to be used. That would mean making the vaccination compulsory.

While we support everyone's right to choose vaccination should they wish to - we firmly believe that no medical procedure - least of all one which has such a long track record of ineffectiveness and risk - should ever be mandated. People must be able to choose not to get the vaccine if that is their wish. Should the government require it, we do not object to mandatory home quarantine in the event of a true epidemic breaking out.

It will be up to each of us to ensure that our rights and the rights of our children and loved ones are protected and that no vaccination is ever made compulsory. For further information about actions you can take to protect your rights and to stay informed about the current swine flu situation, please visit the AVN's web page on pandemic influenza - http://avn.org.au/library/index.php/table/pandemic-influenza/ or subscribe to our blog - http://nocompulsoryvaccination.blogspot.com/


1-Children's hospital study links deaths to post-flu issues - http://tinyurl.com/lrc8kz
2-Swine Flu Vaccine Warning - CBS News, 60 Minutes - Part 1; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lcJt4jX1Vo - Part 2; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4c9Is1T3z4&feature=related
3-The Flawed 1976 National "Swine Flu" Influenza Immunisation Program by the Suburban Emergency Management Project - http://tinyurl.com/nwlz4q
4-Swine Flu debacle of 1976 is recalled - the Los Angeles Times - http://tinyurl.com/nxq2d5
5- Swine Flu May Be Lab Error: Aussie Researcher; The Age newspaper; http://tinyurl.com/r5n5xk
6-Baxter Pharmaceutical Plant in Mexico- Ground Zero for Flu Outbreak - http://tinyurl.com/mjcxpx
7-Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error - Bloomberg News http://tinyurl.com/cady7h
8-Science, Vol 293, 7 September 2001 p 1729
9-Unreliable Swine Flu Test Leaves Doubt - The Melbourne Age - http://tinyurl.com/n8mckd
10-Swine flu fears rise as death toll grows in Britain - The Australian Newspaper - http://tinyurl.com/lxwh6p
11-Swine Flu: Alert; not yet alarmed - Armidale Express - http://tinyurl.com/m7nnk6
12-Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers - http://tinyurl.com/mjp4x3
13-Officials Order 21 Million Vaccine Doses - Prime News - http://tinyurl.com/m7gsuu

About Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.

The AVN is a non-profit, volunteer-run charitable association. Since 1994, the AVN has provided information and support to the general community who are trying to make informed choices about vaccination and health. Their lobbying in Federal Parliament has ensured that compulsory vaccination for children has not come to pass and they are the major reporters of vaccine adverse reactions to ADRAC (The Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee).

Jul 13, 2009

10 Ways to Make Your House Less Toxic Today

There are many toxic ingredients used in a large number of common products that have been found to be unsafe. Here are 10 ways to make your house and body less toxic today.

Number 10: Buy and eat as much as possible, organic produce and free-range, organic foods. Organic food is more nutritious and much more flavoursome!

Number 9: Avoid processed foods - remember that they're processed with chemicals!

Number 8: Only use natural cleaning products in your home.

Number 7: Switch over to natural hair care, including shampoo, toothpaste, deodorants and cosmetics.

Number 6: Avoid spraying insect repellents that contain DEET on your body. There are safe, effective and natural alternatives out there.

Number 5: Remove any metal fillings as they are a major source of mercury. Be sure to have this done by a qualified biological dentist. Although nearly any dentist is technically qualified to replace your amalgam fillings, far less than 95 percent know how to do it properly. Do it right the first time and save yourself the expense and grief. If you don't personally know a qualified biological dentist, try contacting your local health food stores and asking the employees who they know. This is typically an excellent resource as they are usually networked quite well in the local health community.

Number 4: Avoid using artificial air fresheners, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances as they can pollute the air you are breathing. Instead try natural air fresheners.

Number 3: Avoid artificial food additives of all kinds, including artificial sweeteners (aspartame) and MSG.

Number 2: Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system (you will be able to fight disease more effectively).

Number 1: Have your tap water tested and, if contaminants are found, install an appropriate water filter on all your faucets (even those in your shower or bath).

If you know someone who could be interested in this information, you have my permission to pass it on. This article was prepared by Keeta Gibson, public speaker, author and Carbon Reduction Coach from Non Toxic Life, your online eco-store for biodegradable, compostable and earthwise goods.

Jul 6, 2009

Practice these Metabolism Boosters to Boost your Own Weight Loss Confidence

If you are dieting you may feel that you have tried everything on the market to help shed the unwanted kilos. You have followed crazy fad diets, joined the gym, and even subjected yourself to group humiliation at weekly weigh in. Sometimes these types of weight loss programs are not the answer. Sometimes all you need to do to lose the added weight is to boost your metabolism. When you lose your metabolism you are burning energy and fat and a faster and higher rate. This will help you lose weight quicker and more efficiently. Here are some great ways to boost your metabolism and help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Eat a healthy breakfast: You have probably heard all your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There is a lot of truth to this statement because eating a healthy breakfast in the morning will help boost your metabolism and keep you going all day long. The key, however, is to eat a healthy breakfast and not fill yourself with a sugary cereals and pastries. Instead opt for high protein, low sugar foods such as egg whites, low-fat dairy products, and oatmeal.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals: When you eat very large meals, a couple of times a day, eating all that food can slow down your metabolism. It is easy to see why. Your body needs the energy and time to digest everything that you have put into your stomach. This can make you feel slow, tired and sluggish throughout the day. The answer to this problem is to eat smaller and more frequent meals. Any diet expert will recommend eating six small meals a day instead of three large meals. Eating the smaller meals will boost your metabolism and help you avoid the mid afternoon slump that many people feel. You will have more energy to stay alert and exercise, thus burning more calories.

Enjoy an exercise routine: If you hate exercise, you should know that you simply cannot lose large amounts of weight unless you enjoy a fitness program. It is imperative that you find an exercise that you enjoy and can stick to on a daily basis. A regular exercise routine will boost your metabolism faster than anything else. You will feel healthy and alive, and your body benefits a great deal from a good exercise routine.

Forget those midnight cravings: Eating after about eight o'clock in the evening can be devastating to your diet and will slow your metabolism down. Your last large meal of the day should not be later than about six o'clock. Even then, many people that have dieted successfully will tell you that eating your largest meal in the middle of the day is the way to go. If you snack late at night, your body will need time to digest the food, and for most people, your body is largely inactive in the evening. Make a pact with yourself to avoid raiding the refrigerator after 8 p.m., and you will find more success with your dieting program.

Take your vitamins and drink that water: A good diet program will have you taking some sort of vitamin supplement each day. When you take vitamins, you are giving your body that extra boost to help keep you going. It ensures that you are getting the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals during a time when you are eating less and working out more. In addition, do not forget to drink plenty of water when you diet. You should get at least eight ounce a day for successful weight loss. Drinking water and cutting out the high sugar drinks will boost your metabolism and help you reach your goals.

If you know someone who could be interested in this information, you have my permission to pass it on. This article was prepared by Keeta Gibson, public speaker, author and Carbon Reduction Coach from Non Toxic Life, your online eco-store for biodegradable, compostable and earthwise goods.