Jul 31, 2009

Six Savvy Secrets to Staying Stimulated in your Plan for Fitness

Having trouble staying stimulated to get fit? Follow these six savvy secrets to staying stimulated in your plan for fitness. These secrets are used by people all over the world to stay focused and motivated to eat healthy, exercise, get healthy and fit.

Think Small
Instead of eating three large meals a day, eat five or six small meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism working around the clock. Remember that your stomach is only about the size of your fist, so eat small portions frequently rather than three large meals during the day. Protein shakes, granola bars, yoghurt and salads are great foods for quick small meals.

Not sure how to control portion size? Choose pre-portioned meals to make sure that the portion sizes are correct and the calorie count is low. Eating five or six small meals instead of three large meals has been proven to help weight loss and will keep your energy high throughout the day.

Stay Hydrated
Drinking water is a major factor in staying fit and losing weight. Studies have shown that most people don’t drink nearly enough water during the day. Replace high calorie soft drinks and energy drinks with plain or sugar free flavored water to help keep your mind sharp and your body energized throughout the day. Drink at least two glasses of water an hour or so before you workout and make sure you stay hydrated during and after your workout. Your body needs lots of water to function efficiently.

Take a Walk
Can’t get to the gym? Too tired after work for an extreme workout? Don’t skip the exercise, just tone it down. Taking a 30 minute walk is a quick, easy way to get in some activity when a hard core workout just isn’t going to happen. Park the car as far away from the office door or the grocery store as possible, or take a walk around the block, just get moving. Any exercise is better than no exercise, and even a short walk can make you feel better so that you don’t reach for a high fat coffee drink or doughnut to energize you to keep working.

Bike to Work
Tired of sitting in traffic commuting to the office everyday? Can’t find the time to exercise each day? Buy a high quality bike and start biking to work. Keep some work appropriate clothes at the office along with a small toiletry kit, or pack a suit in a backpack and get your exercise biking to work. You will feel better, you will be more energized during the day, and you spend all that time sitting in traffic jams everyday. Biking to work is a great way to get daily exercise even when you’re busy, and it helps the environment too.

Get a Dog
Need motivation to go out walking or running instead of sitting in the house? Get a dog. Dogs are fantastic companions, and having to take the dog out will force you off the couch and out of the house. Taking the dog to the dog park on weekends will be a great way to meet new people and be active.

Take the Stairs
When you’re really crunched for time and you don’t even have time to squeeze in a walk, take the stairs. Use a restroom on a different floor or head outside for some fresh air during the day to give yourself a reason to walk up and down the stairs. A few trips up and down the stairs at the office each day will help you stay active and motivated.

If you know someone who could be interested in this information, you have my permission to pass it on. This article was prepared by Keeta Gibson, public speaker, author and Carbon Reduction Coach from Non Toxic Life, your online eco-store for biodegradable, compostable and earthwise goods.

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